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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  October 2, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> exactly. whatever you see in the movies is real, mike. remember that. >> whatever you hear from howard is definitely real. >> weather wise we've got some rain out there, especially west. one of my facebook friends in luray, the rain is really coming down. thank you for that 59 degrees out there. our day planner, we've got the rain this morning more so than this afternoon in the form of showers. maybe an isolated thunderstorm. 71 by noon. even by noon there may not be as much in the way of shower activity. this afternoon a few showers still hanging out with high temperatures upper 70s to near 80 degrees. we may see a couple of peeks of sun later. this morning we're watching the rain. it's starting to pick up out toward warrenton and fauquier county. here in d.c. relatively quiet. a lone shower toward benedict and eastern charles county. you go west of route 15 here in loudoun county, up toward i-81, jefferson county west virginia, the rain is picking up. go south toward berryville. gets heavier there from upperville down toward front royal, out toward amissville.
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back toward culpeper, things get lighter. the first batch of heavier showers will be coming through. there's the break but more showers as well. we start mild. this in the 60s. beverly farmer, good tuesday morning. so far it is a good tuesday morning despite the forecast, howard. checking out the ride for folks that come north out of fredricksburg if through stafford county, early on we see volume delays heading toward quantico but the pace north of joplin road triangle northbound 95 not too bad. heading on up into woodbridge, all lanes are open. 66 travelers good start heading toward manassas, centreville and the beltway. washout for most of the overnight work way. beltway through falls church, lanes are open as you wake your way into balances -- make your way into balancesston. so far so good the trip along the maryland beltway. incident free. getting to the work zone on the outer loop past new hampshire avenue, all lanes should be reopened from the overnight crew. they were working there. beltway north of the american legion bridge in good shape and
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good visibility. that's a good start for you. next check of timesaver traffic is at 5:10. back to you. >> thank you, beverly. it's been more than 30 years since the national franchise claimed the division title. >> guess what? that changed last night, baby. >> good looking shirt. >> the pirates just beat the braves 2-1. you can celebrate now. >> indeed they did. despite losing their game last night against the phillies, nats fans and players did celebrate the team. the team brought playoff baseball to the capital for the first time since 1933. kristin fisher is live at nats park, one of our favorite places. >> reporter: good morning. can you believe it? for the first time in 79 years we're going to have playoff baseball right here in the nation's capital. feels good, doesn't it. for fans this is something they have been waiting for ever since the nats first came here in 2005. now finally we're division
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champs. just check out the scene insides the locker room right after the nats left the field last night. absolute craziness insides the clubhouse. coaches, managers, players all getting showered in shame pain. stephen strasburg even did the limbo but not bryce harper. he's only 19 so he shared apple cider with la roche's son. fireworks, beer, more champagne. it was a moment that they have dreamed of for six straight months and yet even after 96 wins, the best record in major league baseball, it was a moment that almost the team couldn't even believe was actually happening. >> this is pretty unbelievable. to get us to this town, this city, this team, speechless.
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>> coming out in the spring, nobody talked about us having a chance. we kept our noses in the game. every single guy stepped up. it's a huge accomplishment. we're happy to be the league division champ. >> we've come a long way. it's been a good year. we've done some good things, a couple bad things but to finish on top is something i'll never forget. >> we've come a long way in a short time and we have a long way to go. we have a good young club. i think we should do this every year. >> reporter: every year, i think that's something nats fans can get used to. look at this. look at this beautiful shirt. it really says it all. 2012nl east division champs. there you go. way to go nats. the first playoff games are going to be taking place over the weekend but the first playoff home games won't take place till tuesday or wednesday of next week. the fans could not be more excited. i'll have reaction from them coming up in half an hour at
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5:30. mike, andrea? >> all right, kristin fisher having fun already in front of nationals ballpark. thank you, kristin. american university students are being warned about a man fondling women near campus. in the last week four week have been attacked. all of the incidents happened in the 4200 block of massachusetts avenue between the berkshire apartments and the ward circle building. so far the description of the suspect is vague, but he's been seen wearing a dark hoodie and jeans in each incident. did an undercover f.b.i. agent use taxpayer money to buy prostitutes for suspected gun smugglers? the washington guardian uncovered some disturbing allegations, including some of the so-called prostitutes and they have been children. the news outlet says senator charles grassley is demanding answers from f.b.i. director robert mueller. these claims were raised in a california court case involving those gun smuggling suspects. the alleged trips to brothels with prostitutes in the philippines.
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you can read more on the guardian story on our website an update from the national zoo about its female giant panda. the zoo tweeted yesterday that mei xiang has gone outside twice in the last few days. this is some file video of her shortly after she delivered a cub september 16. unfortunately that cub died last sunday. the zoo partially reopened the panda house yesterday. they expect to have it completely open to the public very soon. good morning. it's six minutes after 5:00 if you're just waking up. time for the first your money report. >> jessica doyle is here with today's headlines after a robust finish yesterday. >> if you like the blue chips, it was a good day for it. if you're a tech stock investor, not so much. the market got a boost on positive news from manufacturing after several months of a decline. the dow stands at 13,515. rose about 78 points in trading. nasdaq slipped by 3 but it has been doing very well recently. so don't feel bad for it.
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s&p 500 was up by almost four points. apple has already apologized for its map application not being as reliable as previous options. now there are reports that its new operating system might be draining cellular data from your cell phone plan. one verizon user hit his monthly data unit in six days. apple has pushed for a fix from verizon but at&t customers are also reporting similar problems. spur rate airline customers will soon need to plan ahead to stave money. starting -- save money. starting november 6 the carrier will charge a $100 fee if passengers need to check their carry-on baggage at the gate. they want to discourage passengers from waiting till the last minute to figure out what's going to go in the ba spirit says flyers checking bags in advance can pay as
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little as $20 a bag. >> i'd like to may nothing. >> i know. >> the jacket you were telling us about where you could stuff everything in, that's going to -- they'll probably charge us for that. >> as long as you put it under the seat in spirit, you're all set. i don't think i could fit the blow dryer. >> you don't need it because the hotel has a blow dryer. >> we're saving you money on your fall wab -- fall wardrobe. frequent flyers might expect to encounter problems with their seat assignments or seat neighbors. >> but now some planes have been grounded because of problems with the seats themselves. they're loose. more on that coming up. >>
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welcome back. your weather fir.
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we've got some showers -- first. we've got some showers out there across areas in fauquier county. we'll see the showers, maybe a couple rumbles of thunder especially this morning. fewer showers this afternoon. mostly cloudy skies, highs 75 to 85. right now here's bev with timesaver traffic. we're looking pretty decent despite the forecast. on the beltway between greenbelt and college park, incident free. back through montgomery county as well. here's the beltway near college park i-95 and route 1 interchange. looking smooth here. next timesaver traffic is at 5:18. mike, back to you. >> thanks, bev. see you then. 5:11 now. here are some of the stories making news. at least 36 people have died after two boats collided in hong kong. more than a hundred people went into the water. one of the boats sank quickly right after the impact. rescuers have been searching a nearby island in hopes of finding more survivors. american airlines is grounding some of its boeing 757s after seat brokes loose on two different flights. both planes were headed to
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miami. one from boston on saturday and another yesterday from new york's j.f.k. airport. no one was injured. both planes recently had maintenance work. wyoming's first wolf hunting season in more than a half century is under way now. ranchers say allowing them to kill wolves will help reduce their livestock losses. animal activists hope wyoming sticks to its statewide limit of 62 wolves killed. no hunting is allowed in yellowstone park. one of the most popular sitcom stars from the 1970's who's enjoying celebrity again on the cable stations is coming to our studios this morning. we talk to the fonz henry wink letter about his trip to -- winkler about his trip to capitol hill. republican mitt romney announce as new stance on immigration on the eve of the first presidential debate. >> next at 5:15, howard has high temperatures ranging from the 80s to the 60s in his seven- day forecast. we'll be right back.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now on this tuesday morning. it's 5:15. before i said howard is going to have temperatures that go to 70s, even 80s. i thought we were in fall now. >> we are in fall but we still get these ups and downs. when we have 80s, we also have 60s in the seven-day forecast as we get into early next week. with nats hosting some playoff games, definitely going to be an october chill in the air. we've got some rain out there.
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some heavy showers west of d.c. right now. we've got the scattered showers for the bus stop forecast. upper 50s to upper 60s. it's even 70, believe it or not, 70 right now at the patuxent river naval air station. sunrise 7:05. your day planner better chance of showers and even thowndzer this morning than -- thunder this morning than this afternoon. even midday we may be seeing the bulk of the rain north and east. another wave will probably head our way this afternoon. i think it will head more toward the eastern shore than d.c. still a shower threat. 77 at 5:00. highs today between 75 and 80. see the rain last night, the showers. mainly west of i-95 here. this morning some heavier showers is what i'm seeing here in areas to our north from frederick up toward south of hagerstown now down to charles town. you get into loudoun county, the rain starts to pick up. berryville, upperville, haymarket, prince william county seeing some of the heavier showers with northern fauquier. then you get far enough south, things start to break up here
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towards stafford. we'll get this batch of showers but there's more to come. oh, yeah, also not far from hughesville, benedict, got one lone shower there in extreme southeastern prince george's county. temperatures in prince george's county in the low 60s at bowie and upper marlboro it's 62. low 60s, even a couple spots in the upper 50s like lovettsville. 60 to 64, 65 should do it for most areas right now. outside michael & son weather camera, we're nice and quiet. we've got temperatures in the mid-60s. dew point all the way up to 60. get a little muggy out there, especially for this time of year. you'll notice the showers continuing to stream in from georgia and south carolina all the way up toward charleston, west virginia. even up into new york state and pennsylvania. this is what we'll be dealing with, especially for the morning hours. want to show you on the futurecast. it takes the first wave of moisture. by 8:00 the bulk of it pennsylvania, northern west virginia will get into some breaks here. not going to rain all day. then a scattering of some showers and potential thunder
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in a few spots for the afternoon. here's the forecast in detail. today 78. scattered showers, especially this morning. tonight's low only going to be near 70 in town. 60 in the burbs with patchy fog. tomorrow 84. maybe an isolated shower in the morning. thursday looks very nice, 82. friday also looks very nice, highs around 80. frontal boundary over the weekend brings some big changes. 77 saturday with a shower. 68 sunday with a few showers. monday's high only in the low 60s. 5:18. good morning, bev. good morning. we're good to go right now despite the forecast and the weather we're looking at. eastbound on 66 making your way in from front royal, markup into ma -- markum into ma fan nass sus -- ma fan sus, no problems. travel on northbound 95 and 395, the volume building heading to quantico but the pace is still good into springfield. on 395 past the beltway and past the pentagon, the incident
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over on the shoulder in the hov lanes won't cost you any time on your trip to the 14th street bridge. maryland beltway we've been accident free as well. greenbelt, college park, silver spring, everything should be a- okay for ow that drive. next check of -- for you on that drive. next check of traffic comes up at 5:24. back to you. >> thanks, bev glez still ahead, we'll hear from excited national fans after their team wins the national league east. >> up next, a group that favors voter i.d. laws make their case by fighting dead voters in maryland. we'll be back.
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your weather first. grab the rain gear. talking to one of my weather watchers in fauquier county in cathlet. heavy rain coming down right now. 60 degrees. we're watching the heaviest of the showers west of town. by 9:00 looks like the bulk of that could actually be north of us. almost a mostly -- it will stay mostly cloudy today. 71 degrees by lunch time. a couple of showers here and there this afternoon. high temperatures 75 to 80. andrea and mike? >> all right, howard. a watchdog group claims they found hundreds of registered maryland voters with something in common. they're dead. >> the organization is doing the digging and it's an advocate for voter identification laws. reporter path warren takes a -- pat warren takes a look at their research and the state's reaction to it. >> reporter: finding maryland voters dead or alive. what is it we're looking through here? >> these are deceased voters that remain active on the voter rolls.
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>> reporter: election integrity maryland says its research shows rupus harris in who died in 2003 voted in 2008. other names registered after death are james procter of laurel who died in '88 and registered in '92. and virginia who died in 1991 and registered in 1992. >> out of 11,000 challenges that we filed, 1500-plus were of deceased voters that have been allowed to stay on the voter rolls. >> reporter: eim says it also found a woman in a nursing home with two voter registrations who doesn't remember voting since 2006. >> and yet her voter registrations have been used consecutively in all even year elections, primary and general elections. >> reporter: here's where the state board of elections weighs
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in. >> they did say there was one 67-year-old voter who's residing in a nursing home who they say has registered twice, has been voting multiple times in different elections. there's no evidence to support that claim. go have to be very careful with this information and we do check everything to make sure that it's accurate. >> reporter: the board of elections intends to check the other names in the report emphasizing that it needs stronger verification than what the watchdog may have found. >> that was pat regard reason reporting. the group's findings are unlikely to affect the voter rolls for next month's election since there have been no official allegations of voter fraud. it is 5:24. you no longer have to sacrifice current trends to get outlet store savings. that's coming up in the next your money report. >> plus, we hear from fans at nationals park about their team winning the nl east crown last night. bev? >> right now your trip is not too bad. you're heading southbound on 275. the wet pavement, the slowdowns and stretches out of frederick
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will take you down to 109 and the truck scales with all lanes open. we'll take another look at timesaver traffic coming up at 5:29. thanks for watching 9news now. we'll be right back. good tuesday morning.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now on this tuesday morning. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. thanks for joining us. monika is off this week. beverly farmer will have traffic in a moment and our respect decent guru howard bernstein is here. >> weather wise we've got some rain out there. we've got rain coming down heavily west of town. the showers are moving northeast at 40, 45 miles an hour. day planner calling for the showers, maybe even a few rumbles of thunder, especially this morning. we'll have a few this afternoon too but i think fewer this afternoon. highs between 75 and even 80 degrees in a few spots.
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right now reagan national cloudy and 66. you can see the rain just off to our west this morning coming through loudoun county now approaching frederick, maryland. we'll switch over to the dopplers and just take you there from frederick south through loudoun county, everierson county, west v.a. -- jefferson county, west virginia. look at this ride going out route 7. that is going to be a tough one coming in this morning. haymarket north. you get south of manassas, things start to improve from dale city down toward quantico and southern fauquier as well. we had a lone shower, still do not far if dunkirk. we're in the upper 50s to 60s now. looking for highs 75 to 80. monika -- monika is off but over to beverly farm we are traffic. fairfax county police going out to check out an accident east on 66. out of front royal, lanes are open. heavier volume in manassas.
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all lanes open to the beltway and falls church. just the wet weather causing extra time travel. northbound on 95 slowest ride is still getting up toward quantico, through stafford county. heavier volume building to get into newington on to 395 into landmark. annual accident dale boulevard mini road had police responding. traveling maryland beltway so far so good through prince george's county. the outer loop of the beltway through silver spring into the long-term work zone, you'll find the thru lanes open but heavier volume into silver spring at this hour. back to you. >> thank you, beverly. campaign 2012, mitt romney announces a new stance on immigration heading into the first presidential debate. >> the republican challenger spoke to about 5,000 people yesterday at denver's air and space museum. he told the crowd he would honor an executive order issued earlier this year by president obama which allows many young illegal immigrants to apply for temporary work permits. this is part of the dream act which romney has opposed in the
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past. >> pledging, quote, if i were elected and the congress should have passed the dream act, would i veto it? the answer is yes. >> instead of playing politics with these children, i will pursue permanent immigration reform. >> colorado is considered a battleground state and it also has a large hispanic population. the new stance could put immigration front and center alongside the economy in tomorrow night's first presidential debate. on happy news, a big win in a different campaign 2012 as the game with the phillies headed into the bottom of the 9th last night and they were on the losing end, nats players and fans learned the braves had lost making washington the national league east champions. 9news now reporter kristin fisher is at nats park with more on reaction. good morning, kristin. >> reporter: good morning, andrea. i tell you what, this place was absolutely electric after fans learned that the nats indeed had clinched this division
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title. as soon as the game was over, the rush was on to get their hands on this merchandise because this is the first time that the nats -- that any d.c. baseball team has taken us to the playoffs since '33, 79 years. so we've got this t-shirt. let me show you some of the other merchandise being shopped around on the mlb website. commemorative coins, hoodies and the baseball hats but these baseball hats i hear are running low on quantity. so if you want a hat, you better get it quick. check out this scene on the field right after the nats clinched this title. it didn't even really matter that the nats lost to the phillies last night. they have the best record in baseball and now they're division champs. for the first time in 70 years, we've got playoff baseball in d.c. for the fans, this is
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something they've been waiting for ever since the team first came here in 2005. >> history in the making. we waited all this time for a playoff run. we're going to the world series. world series. >> i'm excited. i was there for the first game at the stadium. i'm here for the first playoff. i'm so excited. i couldn't be more excited to be here at nats stadium. >> number one, baby, number one. hopefully we can take all of it. absolutely. go nationals. >> reporter: check out the scene inside the locker room right after the players left the field. dancing, cheering, champagne everywhere. it was a huge moment for any team but especially a team with so much young talent. when you've got young players like bryce harper who is just 19 years old, had a little issue with all that champagne and beer everywhere. he actually had to sip apple
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cider with la roche's 9-year- old son while everyone else was drinking beer and champagne in that locker room. he may have 22 home runs for the season but can't drink champagne after clinching the division title. >> i bet the apple cider tasted just as sweet in victory. thank you very much. that merchandise is going fast so definitely you want to go to the clubhouse team store. it's located right at the centerfield gate and try and get something quickly. a second day of protest actions is planned to mark the one-year anniversary of occupy d.c. protesters finished up their first day of demonstrations at freedom plaza last fight. some of today's protest targets include mainstream media, the international monetary fund and the federal reserve. various demonstrations are scheduled from 8:30 this morning until tonight at 10:00. today d.c. council member mary shea will introduce a bill to implement the district's
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long stalled red top parking meter program for disabled drivers. currently they can park for free at any meter. under the new program, all drivers would have to pay for street parking but about 10% of the meters, those with the red tops, would be reserved for drivers with disabilities. it is intended to stop the abuse of disabled parking privileges. time for another your money report. >> let's talk shopping with jessica doyle. >> that's right. fall savings on a budget. we're going to the outlets because they have been evolving. did you know most of the merchandise you'll find at the outlets ant from a season or two ago. they're brand new. they also probably never even saw the inside of a flagship store like nordstrom. the trendy merchandise is made for the stores. a whopping 85% of merchandise you're going to find at the outlets is made specifically for factory consumers. and consumers are loving those bargains. outlets have become one of the
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fastest growing retail sectors in the down economy. retailers like nordstrom rack and the gap are now opening more outlets than name brand stores. and there are a couple of things you can do to stretch your dollars when you trek to the outlets. number one, plan your trips accordingly. new items come in on tuesdays and thursdays. so mark your calendar. number two, you want clearance items, you have to head straight to the back of the store. that's wall' find them. -- that's where you'll find them. stop by the customer service desk first. this is important because there you will find the coupon book with extra savings. you can also print out coupons online at the retailer's website. there is an app that tracks your progress and sends shopping alerts to your phone. finally never hurts to avoid the weekend rush. it may not save you money but it save you from losing your mind looking for a parking space. >> you are not kidding.
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>> depending where you go, some out lees are in -- outlets are in states where there is no sales tax. that's a really good thing. jess is going to catch her breath and be back momentarily with daily deals. >> plus, he game famous on happy days but now henry winkler is putting his star power to work on capitol hill today. he'll join us to explain coming up. stay with us.
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welcome back. 5:39. your weather first. grab the rain gear. just starting to sprinkle in northwest but much heavier showers west of d.c. we'll see the heavier showers i believe over the next few hours of the temperatures by noon low 70s. we'll see agent bit of sunny breaks in the afternoon with still -- see a little bit of sunny breaks in the.
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right now let's go back to beverly farmer with timesaver traffic. the rain for our drive in the morning doesn't help things, especially for folks northbound on 28 out of centreville where a pickup truck has spun out in the roadway right before the ramp that would take you to 66 tying up the left side. east on 66 it's volume in manassas and centreville. your next timesaver traffic at 5:48. back to you, jessica. i've been combing through the day's daily deals, e-mails and retailer websites to find you some deep discounts and today the ninja and nutella edition. get your ninja on with this deal from groupon. 99 bucks gets you a day of ninja training. what are we talking about here? fighting skills with rubber knives, hard-core training and obstacle course. at the end of the day of course you're going to get a real ninja sword and hood. this is a hundred bucks off the normal price. i already know some people in the newsroom who are buying it. a deal on a touch screen
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computer.'s deal different is for a gateway with four gigs of memory, $499.99. you're saving 150 bucks or 23% off and there's free shipping. and the delicious planning note for you. nutella has a food truck. i repeat, nutella has a food truck. it's traveling around the country. it will be rolling through d.c. from october 16 through the 20th and of course they're going to be handing out free samples. if you're a merchant with a deal for our viewers, i would love to hear from you on facebook. let's take another look at the question of the day. here it is. 85% of the people who own one of these things never use it. is it a, a treadmill, b, the oven, or c, piano? >> here's a look at a response that was posted on our facebook fan page by harvey. he wrote, it's got to be c, the piano. i bet the majority of the 85% of those pianos sit in the one
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room in the house that no one is allowed to go in. >> the pristine room. log on to wf u -- log on to wusa9's facebook fan page. we'd love to hear your answer. henry winkler is on a new mission and is here to talk about it. >> the creator of family guy has nabbed a new role on the worldwide stage. >> first at 5:42, we want to see who's celebrating a birthday today, the 2nd of october. bye-bye miss america pie don mclean is 67. designer donna karan is 64. a. leibovitz is 63. sting is 61. kelly ripa is 42. actress camilla bell turns 26 today. if it's your birthday, have a great day. we'll be right back.
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it is 5:46 on this tuesday morning. we are here on 9news now. look who's with us. >> henly winkler is here. >> we are very excited. >> i'm excited. >> he's going to be on the hill. we're so excited to have him here we wanted to share the weather report with him. >> you want to walk with me? let's go. >> sure. >> take it away. >> we'll get you going with the bus stop forecast here. where are we going? >> we're going this way. our bus stop forecast this morning, we've got the bus scog? >> thed -- bus coming? >> the kids. >> we have scattered showers out there. >> keep them dry. >> you done this before? >> no, but this is wonderful. so the children will wear on their slickers today. i wanted to know what the weather is like because i'm going to be around washington.
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it's 68. >> at 9:00. >> but it's going to be 70 and then go to 73 and you'll be muggy and take another shower. i'm in the way. >> better chances we'll see fewer showers later. >> fewer showers later. this is amazing. thank you, howard. >> you're welcome, henry. >> wait a minute. look. you can see them all coming in here. the little cells. am i right? >> yes, yes, yes. >> i watch minus. -- my news. the little cells are coming in. there it s. now i'm soaked. oh, my god, i have to go and change. >> especially out west. the darker colors, the oranges, the reds, that's the heavier wet gler i thought it was beautiful. i thought it was fall. >> i agree. >> i thought the leaves were changing on the map. >> they are on the map a little further west but in aldie and haymarket, these areas back here, this is fauquier county and this is fairfax county and loudoun county. all those areas. you don't have to be afraid. >> all those areas we're seeing the heavier rains this morning. it sort of breaks up in scattered showers down here.
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>> what happens tonight? >> maybe some fog. we'll get there in a second. how about the temperatures? you need a jacket, henry? >> you do in cumberland anyway because it's going to be about 57. winchester 57. luray -- i'm going this way. otherwise over here in wallop's island, it's about 71. >> on the beach. a beautiful area if you've been to the virginia capes. >> this is our michael & son weather camera. >> i should close my coat. >> you can. >> now i'm feeling like you. >> henry winkler doing the weather here. we have to get on the other side. they do this all the time. 66 degrees. light winds. how do you like the humidity? >> can i say hello for a minute. >> we have to get a peek at mike. >> can i say hi to lilly and nick? >> sure. >> good morning. >> the moisture is coming up
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from florida. that's why today will be sort of a muggy, sticky day. the rain slickers down in louisiana would be good. when you shot the water boy movie. >> we were down in florida. >> not that much different. they're still sticky. let's grow to the forecast. >> the forecast. okay. so tuesday it's 78. wednesday 84. thursday 82. but no rain. >> it's really nice actually thursday and friday. >> look at this. then it gets cool on the weekend. you think the president is watching? >> he's probably sleeping. he's in vegas, isn't he? practicing for the debate. i don't think so. what a pleasure. >> it's been a pleasure. how did i do? >> you did great. >> beverly farmer with traffic. >> i want henry to join the traffic team. outer loop of the beltway into silver spring, the volume delay along with a vehicle reported to be broken down near
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university boulevard adding to the delays. state highway crews are enroute to push it out of your way as you make the trip 270 out of frederick on the wet pavement, slow go into hyattstown with lanes open. 66 drivers eastbound the volume delays in manassas and centreville. they're still clearing up the crash on northbound 28. the ramp to 66 you can squeeze by but it will cause extra time out of centreville. lanes are open on the trip into 395 and on to the pentagon and 14th street bridge. next timesaver traffic at 6:00. mike, back to you. >> all right, beverly. we're a little excited. he became a tv icon in the 1970's for his role in happy days and so many other things after that. henry winkler known as the fonz is still acting and directing today. you can see him on tv right now. he has movies coming out. we'll talk about all that but he's in town in washington, d.c. today to promote something that's much more personal. another mission called open arms campaign. it has to do with something
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called ulf, upper limbs -- [indiscernible] it's an honor to see you sir. >> thank you so much. >> tell us about uls and how it affected you. >> my mother had a stroke in 1986 and lived with it for ten years. about three or four months after her stroke when the therapy is done, when the patient is home, and the secondary muscles start to take over and you have seen this many times, all of a sudden the arm freezes into place. upper limb spasticity. the opener arms campaign -- the open arms gives you new information about a new tool in the doctor's toolbox, a therapeutic use of botox for upper limb spasticity. i have traveled across the country for three years. i have seen this at work.
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it's amazing. >> the goal here in washington, d.c. is what? to try to raise awareness? raise money? >> raise awareness. raise awareness. today at 2:00, 2:00 to 4:00, i will be at the capitol hillton with a neurologist and we will be talking to patients, to doctors, to caregivers about this very therapy. >> as far as how it affects the family, you cared for your mom the last ten years of her life. how is it for the careful giver when you're -- care giver when you're trying to help? >> what happens with stroke, especially upper limb spasticity, it is embarrassing. it's unsightly for the patient. they feel out of sorts. they feel out of step. it's hard on for the caregiver to even dress the patient because -- i met a woman from texas whose arm was frozen into place out to the side. her daughters called it her chicken wing.
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so what happens is their self- image, there is pain involved. there is difficulty. and this new therapeutic use of botox at least releases something in every category. it's amazing. >> if you'd like to find out more is where you can find out more about this if your family member is expected. people can see you on tv right now. >> they can. >> where. >> in royal pants. >> the whole studio is excited. >> on children's hospital thursday nights at 12:00. and then we have a brand new movie opening on the 12th of october. kevin games, selma hymack and me. here comes the boom. you can take your mom, grandmother, everybody will cheer. >> thank you for joining us. such a pleasure.
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>> i love it. we love rail pains and the -- royal pains and the movie is objecting october 12. we have another -- we have more news. the 38-year-old macfarlane will host the oscars. the oscar telecast airs february 24. the nationals are the national league east champions. we'll have player reaction coming up. next in today's hero's central, we'll recognize a local group that's helping area residents complete their path to u.s. citizenship. here's jessica. thanks, andrea. an event on the horizon could cost you an extra $3500 in taxes next year. i'll tell you all about it at 6:07. you're watching 9news now. krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the...
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number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for schools...from gaming revenues that would have... gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children.
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welcome back. we're still recovering from henry winkler being here this morning. he's just terrific. in today's hero central report. it has little to do with campaign 2012. that's because the group helping more people becoming eligible to vote. >> 3,000 people become americans every day. jc hayward introduces us to a local organization that helps some of them pass the citizenship test. >> i feel so nice. >> reporter: maria gomez became a u.s. citizen just two months ago. the 51-year-old left her home
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country of el salvador during its civil war in 1990. before earning her citizenship, gomez lived and worked in the united states as a permanent resident. >> i wanted to vote. when i vote, i have a voice. >> reporter: d.c. resident maria nunez also passed the citizenship exam. she owns a latino restaurant in columbia heights where she has lived for 22 years. >> when i come to this country, -- [indiscernible] this is the best country in the world. >> reporter: both women were prepared for the citizenship examination thanks to carecen, also known as latino resource and justice center. the nonprofit organization supports students through the citizenship application process, including an examination. >> 90% of the students who go
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through our classes pass their test. >> reporter: anna is the dreghtor of education and advocacy for -- director of education and advocacy for carecen. she says citizenship is important for immigrants. >> you get information on policies that affect the community besides all other benefits that citizenship comes with, you know, being able to travel freely. >> reporter: gomez has worked for howard university hospital for 11 years. as a citizen she as her sights on other -- has her sights on other job opportunities. >> maybe i want to apply for a position in government. >> carecen charges $50 for class registration and $25 for books. for more information, go to click on hero central. thank you for watching 9news now at 6:00 a.m. good morning. i'm andrea roane. you missed a great last 15 minutes with henry winkler if you're just waking up.


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